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There are 12 six-letter words beginning with JUN

JUNCOSjuncos n. Plural of junco.
JUNCO n. (Spanish) a North American bird.
JUNCUSjuncus n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Juncus (the rushes).
Juncus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Juncaceae – the rushes.
JUNCUS n. (Latin) any plant of the genus Juncus, rushes.
JUNGLEjungle n. A large, undeveloped, humid forest, especially in a tropical region, that is home to many wild plants…
jungle n. (South Asia) Any uncultivated tract of forest or scrub habitat.
jungle n. (Colloquial) A place where people behave ruthlessly, unconstrained by law or morality.
JUNGLIjungli n. (India) An inhabitant of the jungle or wild forest.
JUNGLI n. an uneducated peasant.
JUNGLYjungly adj. Overgrown with jungle.
JUNGLY adj. of or relating to jungles.
JUNIORjunior adj. (Comparable) Low in rank; having a subordinate role, job, or situation.
junior adj. (Not comparable, often preceded by a possessive adjective or a possessive form of a noun) Younger.
junior adj. (Not comparable) Belonging to a younger person, or an earlier time of life.
JUNKEDjunked v. Simple past tense and past participle of junk.
JUNK v. to discard as trash.
JUNKERjunker n. A young German noble or squire, especially a member of the aristocratic party in Prussia, stereotyped…
junker n. (Informal, US, Canada) A beat-up automobile.
junker n. A person with an interest in disused or discarded objects.
JUNKETjunket n. (Obsolete) A basket.
junket n. A type of cream cheese, originally made in a rush basket; later, a food made of sweetened curds or rennet.
junket n. (Obsolete) A delicacy.
JUNKIEjunkie n. (Slang, derogatory) A narcotics addict, especially a heroin user.
junkie n. (Slang, by extension) An enthusiast of something.
JUNKIE n. a narcotics addict, also JUNKY.
JUNTASjuntas n. Plural of junta.
JUNTA n. (Spanish) a government council.
JUNTOSjuntos n. Plural of junto.
JUNTO n. (Spanish) a group, esp. one made of military officers, ruling a country after a coup, also JUNTA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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