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There are 10 words beginning with KAMA

KAMAkama n. A sickle-like weapon, originally used as a tool for cutting weeds.
kama n. (India) The act or process of wishing; longing, desire (with or without sexual connotations); one of…
Kama prop.n. A major river in Russia, the longest left tributary of the Volga.
KAMAAINAkamaaina n. Alternative spelling of kamaʻaina.
kamaʻaina n. (Hawaii, slang) Someone who is of Hawaiian origin, but not necessarily having Hawaiian blood; a local.
KAMAAINA n. (Hawaiian) a longtime resident of Hawaii.
KAMAAINASkamaainas n. Plural of kamaaina.
KAMAAINA n. (Hawaiian) a longtime resident of Hawaii.
KAMACITEkamacite n. (Mineralogy) A meteoritic mineral which consists chiefly of iron and nickel.
KAMACITE n. a variety of nickeliferous iron, found in meteorites.
KAMACITESkamacites n. Plural of kamacite.
KAMACITE n. a variety of nickeliferous iron, found in meteorites.
KAMAHIkamahi n. A New Zealand tree Weinmannia racemosa.
KAMAHI n. (Maori) a tall New Zealand hardwood tree with pinkish flowers.
KAMAHISkamahis n. Plural of kamahi.
KAMAHI n. (Maori) a tall New Zealand hardwood tree with pinkish flowers.
KAMALAkamala n. Nelumbo nucifera, a lotus plant.
kamala n. Mallotus philippensis, a plant in the spurge family.
kamala n. An orange dyestuff obtained from that plant.
KAMALASkamalas n. Plural of kamala.
KAMALA n. (Hindi) the red dusty hairs of the capsules of an East Indian tree used for dyeing silk, also KAMELA, KAMILA.
KAMASkamas n. Plural of kama.
Kamas n. A member of a people who live in the northwest of Siberia.
Kamas prop.n. The Samoyedic language spoken by these people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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