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There are 18 words beginning with KANT

KANTKant prop.n. A surname from German.
Kant prop.n. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher.
Kant prop.n. A city in Kyrgyzstan.
KANTARkantar n. A unit of weight used in Eastern Mediterranean countries, varying from place to place (44.93 kg in Egypt).
KANTAR n. (Arabic) an Arab unit of weight, also CANTAR.
KANTARSkantars n. Plural of kantar.
KANTAR n. (Arabic) an Arab unit of weight, also CANTAR.
KANTEDKANT v. to tilt, slope, also CANT.
KANTELAkantela n. Alternative form of kantele.
KANTELA n. (Finnish) a kind of zither, also KANTELE.
KANTELASkantelas n. Plural of kantela.
KANTELA n. (Finnish) a kind of zither, also KANTELE.
KANTELEkantele n. (Music) A plucked string instrument (a zither) of the Baltic psaltery family, traditionally with five…
KANTELE n. (Finnish) a kind of zither, also KANTELA.
KANTELESkanteles n. Plural of kantele.
KANTELE n. (Finnish) a kind of zither, also KANTELA.
KANTENkanten n. Agar.
KANTEN n. (Japanese) agar-agar jelly.
KANTENSKANTEN n. (Japanese) agar-agar jelly.
KANTHAkantha n. A form of embroidery in parts of South Asia, used to make cushions and quilts.
KANTHA n. (Bengali) an embroidered cloth quilt.
KANTHASkanthas n. Plural of kantha.
KANTHA n. (Bengali) an embroidered cloth quilt.
KANTIKOYkantikoy n. Alternative form of canticoy.
KANTIKOY v. (Native American) to dance as an act of worship, also CANTICO, CANTICOY.
KANTIKOYEDKANTIKOY v. (Native American) to dance as an act of worship, also CANTICO, CANTICOY.
KANTIKOYINGKANTIKOY v. (Native American) to dance as an act of worship, also CANTICO, CANTICOY.
KANTIKOYSkantikoys n. Plural of kantikoy.
KANTIKOY v. (Native American) to dance as an act of worship, also CANTICO, CANTICOY.
KANTINGKANT v. to tilt, slope, also CANT.
KANTSKANT v. to tilt, slope, also CANT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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