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There are 7 four-letter words beginning with MAS

MASAmasa n. (Art) A strong form of paper, smooth on one side and lightly textured on the other, used for drawing and painting.
masa n. (US) maize dough made from freshly prepared hominy, used for making tortillas, tamales, etc.
Masa prop.n. A female given name from Japanese.
MASEmase v. To act as a maser; to emit or subject to maser radiation.
mase n. Obsolete form of maze.
MASE v. to act as a maser, a device used to amplify long-range radar and radio astronomy signals.
MASHmash n. (Uncountable) A mass of mixed ingredients reduced to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure; a mass…
mash n. (Brewing) Ground or bruised malt, or meal of rye, wheat, corn, or other grain (or a mixture of malt…
mash n. (Mostly UK) Mashed potatoes.
MASKmask n. A cover, or partial cover, for the face, used for disguise or protection.
mask n. That which disguises; a pretext or subterfuge.
mask n. A festive entertainment of dancing or other diversions, where all wear masks; a masquerade.
MASSmass n. (Physical) Matter, material.
mass n. A large quantity; a sum.
mass v. (Transitive) To form or collect into a mass; to form into a collective body; to bring together into…
MASTmast n. (Nautical, communication, aviation) A tall, slim post or tower, usually tapering upward, used to support…
mast n. (Naval) A non-judicial punishment ("NJP"); a disciplinary hearing under which a commanding officer studies…
mast v. To supply and fit a mast to (a ship).
MASUmasu n. A plant, Hedysarum alpinum, whose edible root is consumed by the Inuit of Alaska.
masu n. A square wooden box, originally used to measure rice in Japan during the feudal period.
masu n. Masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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