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There are 13 five-letter words beginning with MAT

MATAImatai n. A Samoan chief.
matai n. A coniferous tree, Prumnopitys taxifolia, endemic to New Zealand.
MATAI n. (Maori) a coniferous evergreen tree of New Zealand, aka black pine.
MATCHmatch n. (Sports) A competitive sporting event such as a boxing meet, a baseball game, or a cricket match.
match n. Any contest or trial of strength or skill, or to determine superiority.
match n. Someone with a measure of an attribute equaling or exceeding the object of comparison.
MATEDmated v. Simple past tense and past participle of mate.
mated adj. Fitted together or interlocked.
MATE v. to couple with.
MATERmater n. (Britain, slang, now chiefly archaic or humorous) Mother.
mater n. (Anatomy) A meninx; the dura mater, arachnoid mater, or pia mater of the brain.
mater n. (Biology) Someone or something that mates.
MATESmates n. Plural of mate.
mates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mate.
mates adj. Friendly; having a friendship (with).
MATEYmatey adj. (UK) Sociable or friendly.
matey n. (Informal) Diminutive of mate, friend.
matey n. (Nautical, slang) A fellow sailor; often used affectedly, especially when portraying a pirate.
MATHSmaths n. (Informal, Commonwealth, rarely Canada) Clipping of mathematics.
maths n. Plural of math.
maths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of math.
MATINmatin adj. Of or relating to matins.
matin n. (Obsolete) morning.
Matin prop.n. A surname.
MATTEmatte n. (Art, photography) A decorative border around a picture used to inset and center the contents of a frame.
matte n. (Film) A background, often painted or created with computers.
matte n. (Pyrometallurgy) The molten metal sulfide phases typically formed during smelting of copper, nickel…
MATTSmatts n. Plural of matt.
Matts prop.n. A surname transferred from the given name.
MATT n. a nonglossy surface, as on paint.
MATZAmatza n. Alternative spelling of matzo.
MATZA n. (Yiddish) unleavened bread, esp. as eaten on Pesach, also MATSAH, MATZAH, MATZO, MATZOH.
MATZOmatzo n. (Uncountable) Thin, unleavened bread in Jewish cuisine.
matzo n. (Countable) A piece of the above bread.
MATZO n. (Yiddish) unleavened bread, esp. as eaten on Pesach, also MATSAH, MATZA, MATZAH, MATZOH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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