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There are 7 six-letter words beginning with MIT

MITERSmiters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of miter.
MITER v. (US) to join with a type of woodworking joint, also MITRE.
MITHERmither v. (Intransitive, Northern England, especially Manchester) To make an unnecessary fuss, moan, bother.
mither v. (Transitive, Northern England, especially Manchester) To pester or irritate someone. Usually directed at children.
mither n. (Scotland and Northern England) mother.
MITIERmitier adj. Comparative form of mity: more mity.
MITY adj. infested with mites.
MITRALmitral adj. Pertaining to a mitre; resembling a mitre.
mitral adj. (Anatomy, medicine) Pertaining to the mitral valve.
MITRAL adj. pertaining to a valve of the heart.
MITREDmitred adj. Wearing an abbot’s or bishop’s mitre.
mitred adj. Having a mitre joint.
MITRE v. to join with a mitre joint, also MITER.
MITRESmitres n. Plural of mitre.
MITRE v. to join with a mitre joint, also MITER.
MITTENmitten n. A type of glove or garment that covers a hand with a separate sheath for the thumb, but not for other…
mitten n. A cat’s or dog’s paw that is a different colour from the main body.
mitten n. (Colloquial, dated, as "the mitten") A romantic rejection; dismissal of a lover.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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