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There are 18 seven-letter words beginning with MIC

MICATEDMICATE v. to furnish with mica.
MICATESMICATE v. to furnish with mica.
MICELLAmicella n. (Obsolete, biology) A supposed submicroscopic particle that formed part of a biological organism.
micella n. Alternative form of micelle.
MICELLA n. (Latin) a group of molecular chains, a structural unit of colloids, also MICELL, MICELLE.
MICELLEmicelle n. (Chemistry) a colloidal aggregate, in a simple geometric form, of a specific number of amphipathic molecules…
MICELLE n. a group of molecular chains, a structural unit of colloids, also MICELL, MICELLA.
MICELLSmicells n. Plural of micell.
MICELL n. a group of molecular chains, a structural unit of colloids, also MICELLA, MICELLE.
MICHAELMichael prop.n. (Countable) A male given name from Hebrew.
Michael prop.n. (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) An archangel associated with defending the faithful in the tribulation.
MICHAEL n. as in take the michael, to make fun of.
MICHERSmichers n. Plural of micher.
MICHER n. a truant, also MOOCHER, MOUCHER.
MICHINGmiching adj. (US, dialectal, obsolete) hiding; skulking; cowardly.
MICHING n. the act of playing truant.
MICKERYmickery n. (Australia) A soak dug into the ground.
MICKERY n. (Native Australian) a well or waterhole, esp. in a dry riverbed.
MICKEYSmickeys n. Plural of mickey.
mickeys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mickey.
Mickeys n. Plural of Mickey.
MICKIESmickies n. Plural of micky.
MICKY n. an Irishman, also MICK.
MICKLERMickler prop.n. A surname.
MICKLE adj. much or great, also MEIKLE, MOCHELL, MUCHEL, MUCHELL.
MICKLESmickles n. Plural of mickle.
Mickles prop.n. Plural of Mickle.
MICKLE n. a large amount.
MICRIFYMICRIFY v. to make small.
MICROBEmicrobe n. (Microbiology) Any microorganism, but especially a harmful bacterium.
MICROBE n. a microscopic organism.
MICROHMmicrohm n. Alternative spelling of micro-ohm.
MICROHM n. a unit of electrical resistance, the millionth part of an ohm.
MICRONSmicrons n. Plural of micron.
MICRON n. (Greek) a unit of length, also MIKRON.
MICTIONmiction n. Urination.
MICTION n. (obsolete) the voiding of urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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