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There are 14 words beginning with MOG

MOGmog n. (UK, depreciative or derogatory) Synonym of moggy: a domestic cat, especially a non-pedigree or unremarkable one.
mog v. (UK, US, dialect) To move away; to go off.
mog v. (Transitive, seduction community, incel slang) To assert one’s dominance over.
MOGGANmoggan n. (Scotland) A closely-fitting knitted sleeve.
moggan n. (Scotland) A knitted legging.
MOGGAN n. (Scots) a footless stocking.
MOGGANSmoggans n. Plural of moggan.
MOGGAN n. (Scots) a footless stocking.
MOGGEDmogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of mog.
MOG v. to move away.
MOGGIEmoggie n. Alternative spelling of moggy (“a cat”).
moggie n. (Slang) The drug nitrazepam (Mogadon).
MOGGIE n. (colloquial) a cat, also MOGGY.
MOGGIESmoggies n. Plural of moggy.
moggies n. Plural of moggie.
MOGGY n. a cat, also MOGGIE.
MOGGINGmogging v. Present participle of mog.
MOG v. to move away.
MOGGYmoggy n. (Scotland and Northern England regional, obsolete) Synonym of girl: a female child or young woman.
moggy n. (Midlands and Northern England regional, derogatory, rare) Synonym of slattern: an unkempt or badly-dressed woman.
moggy n. (Midlands and Northern England regional, rare) Synonym of scarecrow.
MOGHULMoghul n. A head of the Timurid dynasty founded by Zahīr-ud-Dīn Muhammed Bābur (1483-1530) which controlled large…
Moghul n. (Now historical) A Mongol or Mongolian, especially a member or follower of the Moghul dynasty.
Moghul n. An important or successful person; a magnate. (Now usually as mogul.)
MOGHULSMoghuls n. Plural of Moghul.
MOGHUL n. (Persian) an important person, also MOGUL, MUGHAL.
MOGSmogs n. Plural of mog.
mogs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mog.
MOG v. to move away.
MOGULmogul n. A rich or powerful person; a magnate, nabob.
mogul n. (Skiing) A hump or bump on a skiing piste.
mogul n. A larger-sized (39 mm diameter) screw base used for large, high-power light bulbs, known as mogul (screw)…
MOGULEDmoguled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mogul.
moguled adj. Covered with moguls (skiing bumps).
MOGULED adj. having obstacles on a ski slope.
MOGULSmoguls n. Plural of mogul.
Moguls n. Plural of Mogul.
MOGUL n. (Persian) an influential person, a magnate, also MOGHUL, MUGHAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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