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There are 6 six-letter words beginning with MARK

MARKASMarkas n. Plural of Marka.
mark␣as v. To provide sufficient reason to come to a conclusion about something.
MARKA n. the standard unit of currency in Bosnia-Herzegovina, also MARKKA.
MARKEDmarked adj. Having a visible or identifying mark.
marked adj. Clearly evident; noticeable; conspicuous.
marked adj. (Linguistics, of a word, form, or phoneme) Distinguished by a positive feature.
MARKERmarker n. Someone or something that creates marks, particularly.
marker n. Someone or something used to mark a position or amount, particularly.
marker n. (UK) Someone who assigns marks on tests, examinations, etc.; a grader.
MARKETmarket n. A gathering of people for the purchase and sale of merchandise at a set time, often periodic.
market n. City square or other fairly spacious site where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the merchandise.
market n. A grocery store.
MARKKAmarkka n. A (Finnish) mark, the currency used in Finland before the introduction of the euro, consisting of 100…
MARKKA n. (Finnish) the standard monetary unit of Finland, also MARKA.
MARKUPmarkup n. The percentage or amount by which a seller hikes up his buy-in price when determining his selling price.
markup n. An increase in price.
markup n. (Computing) The notation that is used to indicate the meaning of the elements in an electronic document…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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