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There are 17 eight-letter words beginning with MALA

MALACCASMalaccas n. Plural of Malacca.
MALACCA n. (Malay) the cane of an Asian rattan palm.
MALACIASmalacias n. Plural of malacia.
MALACIA n. (Greek) a pathological softening of tissue.
MALADIESmaladies n. Plural of malady.
MALADY n. an illness.
MALAISESmalaises n. Plural of malaise.
MALAISE n. (French) a feeling of debility.
MALAMUTEmalamute n. An ancient northern breed of dog of the husky type, particularly used as a sled dog.
Malamute n. A member of an Inupiak people who live in western Alaska and are known for breeding malamute dogs.
MALAMUTE n. (Inuit) an Alaskan sled dog, also MALEMIUT, MALEMUTE.
MALANDERmalander n. Singular of malanders.
MALANDER n. an eruption of the skin behind a horse's knee, also MALLANDER, MALLENDER.
MALANGASmalangas n. Plural of malanga.
Malangas prop.n. Plural of Malanga.
MALANGA n. a tropical plant, aka Mantle of the Queen.
MALAPERTmalapert n. (Archaic) A cheeky, impudent, or saucy person.
malapert adj. (Archaic) Cheeky, impudent, saucy.
Malapert prop.n. (Obsolete) A personification of impudence or malapertness.
MALAPROPmalaprop adj. Characterized by the use of malapropisms.
malaprop n. A malapropism.
malaprop v. To use a malapropism.
MALARIALmalarial adj. Of, relating to, or infected by malaria.
malarial n. A person who has malaria.
MALARIAL adj. relating to malaria, also MALARIAN, MALARIOUS.
MALARIANmalarian adj. (Dated) Relating to malaria; malarial.
MALARIAN adj. relating to malaria, also MALARIAL, MALARIOUS.
MALARIASmalarias n. Plural of malaria.
MALARIA n. an infectious tropical disease.
MALARKEYmalarkey n. (Originally US, informal) Nonsense; rubbish.
Malarkey prop.n. A surname.
MALARKEY n. (US colloquial) absurd talk, nonsense, also MALARKY, MULLARKY.
MALAROMAMALAROMA n. an offensive odor, also MALODOR, MALODOUR.
MALAXAGEmalaxage n. The process of malaxating.
MALAXAGE n. the softening of clay by kneading it.
MALAXATEmalaxate v. To soften, especially by kneading with the hands.
MALAXATE v. to soften by kneading, also MALAX.
MALAXINGmalaxing v. Present participle of malax.
MALAX v. to soften by kneading, also MALAXATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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