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List of 6-letter words beginning with

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There are 6 six-letter words beginning with NOV

NOVATEnovate v. To replace something with something new.
novate v. (Law) To replace a contract (especially a financial contract) with one or more new contracts.
NOVATE v. to substitute a new obligation for an existing one.
NOVELSnovels n. Plural of novel.
NOVEL n. a fictional prose narrative.
NOVENAnovena n. (Roman Catholicism) A recitation of prayers and devotions for nine consecutive days, especially one…
NOVENA n. (Latin) a series of Catholic church services held on nine successive days.
NOVICEnovice n. A beginner; one who is not very familiar or experienced in a particular subject.
novice n. (Religion) A new member of a religious order accepted on a conditional basis, prior to confirmation.
NOVICE n. a person new to any field or activity.
NOVITYnovity n. (Countable, now rare) An innovation; a novelty.
novity n. (Uncountable, now rare) Novelty; newness.
NOVITY n. innovation.
NOVUMSnovums n. Plural of novum.
NOVUM n. (Shakespeare) a dice game in which the chief throws were nine and five.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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