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There are 12 seven-letter words beginning with NOS

NOSEANSnoseans n. Plural of nosean.
NOSEAN n. a cubic mineral, aluminum sodium silicate and sulphur, also NOSELITE.
NOSEBAGnosebag n. A round sack or bag to feed for a horse, mule, ox or alike animal. Usually made of canvas sides and…
nosebag n. (Informal) Food.
nosebag n. (Informal) A nosy person. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
NOSEGAYnosegay n. A small bunch of fragrant flowers or herbs tied in a bundle, often presented as a gift; nosegays were…
nosegay n. (Figuratively) An aroma, a scent.
NOSEGAY n. a bouquet of fragrant flowers.
NOSHERSnoshers n. Plural of nosher.
NOSHER n. one who noshes, nibbles between meals.
NOSHERYnoshery n. (Informal) A restaurant.
NOSHERY n. (colloquial) a cafe or restaurant, also NOSHERIE.
NOSHINGnoshing v. Present participle of nosh.
noshing n. (Slang) A session of eating; a feast.
NOSH v. (Yiddish) to eat snacks between meals.
NOSIESTnosiest adj. Superlative form of nosey: most nosey.
NOSEY adj. unduly curious, also NOSY.
NOSINGSnosings n. Plural of nosing.
NOSING n. a projecting edge of a stair, sill etc.
NOSODESnosodes n. Plural of nosode.
NOSODE n. a homeopathic remedy consisting of diluted discharge.
NOSTOCSnostocs n. Plural of nostoc.
NOSTOC n. a blue-green alga.
NOSTRILnostril n. Either of the two orifices located on the nose (or on the beak of a bird); used as a passage for air…
NOSTRIL n. an external opening of the nose.
NOSTRUMnostrum n. A medicine or remedy in conventional use which has not been proven to have any desirable medical effects.
nostrum n. (By extension) An ineffective but favorite remedy for a problem, usually involving political action.
NOSTRUM n. (Latin) any secret, quack or patent medicine; any favourite remedy or scheme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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