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There are 13 nine-letter words beginning with NOS

NOSEBANDSnosebands n. Plural of noseband.
NOSEBAND n. a strap passing round the nose of a horse, suspended by its own headpiece fitted under the bridle.
NOSEBLEEDnosebleed n. A haemorrhage from the nose; usually, blood flow exiting the nostrils that originates from the nasal cavity.
nosebleed n. (US obsolete slang) A nerd or geek; a dork.
nosebleed n. (Philippines, figurative, slang) mental overload (usually attained as a result of having to comprehend…
NOSEDIVEDnosedived v. Simple past tense and past participle of nosedive.
NOSEDIVE v. to plunge nose first.
NOSEDIVESnosedives n. Plural of nosedive.
nosedives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nosedive.
NOSEDIVE v. to plunge nose first.
NOSEGUARDnoseguard n. Alternative form of nose guard.
nose␣guard n. An item of protection worn over the nose.
nose␣guard n. (American football) A middle guard.
NOSELITESnoselites n. Plural of noselite.
NOSELITE n. a cubic mineral, aluminum sodium silicate and sulphur, also NOSEAN.
NOSEPIECEnosepiece n. Anything (originally a piece of armour) that protects the nose.
nosepiece n. An animal’s noseband.
nosepiece n. The bridge between spectacle lenses that rests on the nose.
NOSEWHEELnosewheel n. (Aviation) The wheel of an aircraft’s nose gear.
NOSEWHEEL n. the single wheel at the front of an aircraft.
NOSHERIESnosheries n. Plural of noshery.
NOSHERY n. (colloquial) a cafe or restaurant, also NOSHERIE.
NOSOLOGICnosologic adj. Pertaining to nosology or the classification of diseases.
NOSOLOGIC adj. relating to nosology, the science of diseases, also NOSOLOGICAL.
NOSTALGIAnostalgia n. (Now uncommon) A longing for home or familiar surroundings; homesickness.
nostalgia n. (Transferred sense) A bittersweet yearning for the things of the past.
NOSTALGIA n. homesickness; the desire to return to some earlier time in one's life.
NOSTALGICnostalgic adj. Of, having, or relating to nostalgia.
nostalgic n. A person who displays nostalgia for something.
NOSTALGIC adj. missing the past.
NOSTOLOGYnostology n. The study of senility; gerontology.
NOSTOLOGY n. the study of senility.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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