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There are 14 eleven-letter words beginning with PON

PONDERABLESPONDERABLE n. something worth pondering.
PONDERANCESponderances n. Plural of ponderance.
PONDERANCE n. weight, gravity, also PONDERANCY.
PONDERATINGponderating v. Present participle of ponderate.
PONDERATE v. to consider; to ponder.
PONDERATIONponderation n. Heaviness.
ponderation n. Mental weighing; deliberation; pondering.
ponderation n. Physical weighing or balancing.
PONDERINGLYponderingly adv. In a pondering way; with deep thought.
PONDERING adv. PONDER, to consider deeply.
PONDERMENTSPONDERMENT n. the act of pondering.
PONDEROSITYponderosity n. The quality of requiring extensive thought.
ponderosity n. (Obsolete) Weight; heaviness.
PONDEROSITY n. the state of being ponderous.
PONDEROUSLYponderously adv. In a ponderous manner; very slowly.
ponderously adv. With the appearance of great weight.
PONDEROUS adv. heavy and slow.
PONNUKOKURSSorry, definition not available.
PONTICELLOSPONTICELLO n. (Italian) the bridge of a stringed instrument.
PONTIFICALSpontificals n. Plural of pontifical.
pontificals n. The vestments of a bishop, priest, or pope.
PONTIFICAL n. an office-book for bishops.
PONTIFICATEpontificate n. The status or term of office of a pontiff or pontifex.
pontificate v. (Intransitive) To preside as a bishop, especially at mass.
pontificate v. (Intransitive) To act like a pontiff; to express one’s position or opinions dogmatically and pompously…
PONTLEVISESPONTLEVIS n. (French) a drawbridge.
PONTONNIERSpontonniers n. Plural of pontonnier.
PONTONNIER n. a builder of pontoon bridges, also PONTONEER, PONTONIER, PONTOONER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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