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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 13 eight-letter words beginning with POC

POCHARDSpochards n. Plural of pochard.
POCHARD n. a kind of European duck with a red head, also POCKARD.
POCHAYEDPOCHAY v. to transport by post-chaise.
POCHETTEpochette n. Synonym of kit violin.
pochette n. A small handbag shaped like an envelope.
POCHETTE n. (French) a pocket notecase or wallet.
POCHOIRSpochoirs n. Plural of pochoir.
POCHOIR n. (French) a manual colour stencilling onto a printed illustration.
POCKARDSPOCKARD n. a kind of European duck with a red head, also POCHARD.
POCKETEDpocketed adj. Having a pocket; with pockets.
pocketed adj. (In combination) Having a certain type or number of pockets.
pocketed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pocket.
POCKETERpocketer n. One who pockets something, or (figurative) appropriates money or goods.
POCKETER n. one who pockets.
POCKIESTPOCKY adj. covered with pock marks.
POCKMARKpockmark n. A mark or scar in the skin caused by a pock.
pockmark n. A crater in the seafloor caused by erupting gas or liquid.
POCKMARK v. to mark with scars caused by an eruptive disease.
POCKPITSpockpits n. Plural of pockpit.
POCKPIT n. the scar left by a pock mark.
POCOSENSpocosens n. Plural of pocosen.
POCOSEN n. (Native American) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern US, also POCOSIN, POCOSON.
POCOSINSpocosins n. Plural of pocosin.
POCOSIN n. (Native American) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern US, also POCOSEN, POCOSON.
POCOSONSpocosons n. Plural of pocoson.
POCOSON n. (Native American) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern US, also POCOSEN, POCOSIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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