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There are 13 nine-letter words beginning with PALE

PALEBUCKSPALEBUCK n. a kind of antelope, aka oribi.
PALEFACESpalefaces n. Plural of paleface.
Palefaces n. Plural of Paleface.
pale␣faces n. Plural of pale face.
PALEMPOREpalempore n. Alternative form of palampore.
PALEMPORE n. a flowered chintz bedcover common in Asia, also PALAMPORE.
PALEOCENEPaleocene adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to the Paleocene epoch.
Paleocene prop.n. (Geology) A geologic epoch within the Paleogene period from about 65 to 56 million years ago; marked…
PALEOCENE adj. belonging to a certain geological time period, also PALEOGENE.
PALEOCONSpaleocons n. Plural of paleocon.
PALEOCON n. an extremely right-wing conservative.
PALEOGENEPaleogene adj. (Geology) Of a geologic period within the Cenozoic era; comprises the Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene…
Paleogene prop.n. (Geology) The Paleogene period.
PALEOGENE adj. belonging to a certain geological time period, also PALEOCENE.
PALEOLITHpaleolith n. A relic from the Paleolithic era.
PALEOLITH n. a Stone Age artifact, also PALAEOLITH.
PALEOLOGYpaleology n. The study of antiquities or of the ancient past.
PALEOLOGY n. the study of prehistory, also PALAEOLOGY.
PALEOSOLSpaleosols n. Plural of paleosol.
PALEOSOL n. a buried soil horizon of the geologic past, also PALAEOSOL.
PALEOZOICpaleozoic adj. Alternative form of Paleozoic.
Paleozoic adj. (Geology) Of a geologic era within the Phanerozoic eon that comprises the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian…
Paleozoic prop.n. (Geology) The Paleozoic era.
PALESTRAEpalestrae n. Plural of palestra.
PALESTRA n. (Latin) a school for athletics in ancient Greece.
PALESTRALpalestral adj. Palestric; relating to wrestling.
PALESTRAL adj. relating to a palestra, a wrestling school.
PALESTRASpalestras n. Plural of palestra.
PALESTRA n. (Latin) a school for athletics in ancient Greece.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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