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There are 15 words beginning with POMA

POMACEpomace n. The pulp that remains after a fruit has been pressed to extract the juice (or a nut, etc., has been…
pomace n. Fish scrap.
POMACE n. the pulpy residue of crushed fruits.
POMACEOUSpomaceous adj. (Botany) Of, pertaining to, or resembling a pome.
pomaceous adj. (Botany) That bears apples or pomes.
pomaceous adj. Resembling pomace.
POMACESpomaces n. Plural of pomace.
POMACE n. the pulpy residue of crushed fruits.
POMADEpomade n. A greasy or waxy substance that is used to style hair, making it look slick and shiny.
pomade n. (Obsolete) Any medicinal ointment.
pomade v. (Transitive) To anoint with pomade; to use pomade to style (hair).
POMADEDpomaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of pomade.
POMADE v. to apply a perfumed hair dressing to.
POMADESpomades n. Plural of pomade.
pomades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pomade.
POMADE v. to apply a perfumed hair dressing to.
POMADINGpomading v. Present participle of pomade.
POMADE v. to apply a perfumed hair dressing to.
POMANDERpomander n. (Countable, uncountable, historical) A mixture of aromatic substances, made into a ball and carried…
pomander n. (Countable, historical) A small case in which an aromatic ball was carried.
pomander n. (Countable) A perforated container filled with pot-pourri for placing in a drawer, wardrobe, room, etc…
POMANDERSpomanders n. Plural of pomander.
POMANDER n. (French) a mixture of aromatic substances.
POMATOpomato n. A plant produced by grafting a tomato plant and a potato plant, producing cherry tomatoes on the vine…
POMATO n. a tomato grafted on a potato.
POMATOESpomatoes n. Plural of pomato.
POMATO n. a tomato grafted on a potato.
POMATUMpomatum n. Pomade.
pomatum v. (Transitive) To dress with pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.
POMATUMEDpomatumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.
POMATUMINGpomatuming v. Present participle of pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.
POMATUMSpomatums n. Plural of pomatum.
pomatums v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pomatum.
POMATUM v. to apply a kind of ointment to the hair, also POMADE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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