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There are 11 words beginning with PSOR

PSORApsora n. (Medicine, obsolete) A cutaneous disease, especially psoriasis, scabies, or mange.
PSORA n. (obsolete) a cutaneous disease; esp. the itch.
PSORALEApsoralea n. Any of the plants of the genus Psoralea.
Psoralea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – plants including prairie turnip, babchi, and certain tumbleweeds.
PSORALEA n. a plant of the bean family.
PSORALEASpsoraleas n. Plural of psoralea.
PSORALEA n. a plant of the bean family.
PSORALENpsoralen n. (Medicine) Any of a group of furanocoumarins, from the seeds of various plants, that are used to treat…
PSORALEN n. a drug used to treat psoriasis.
PSORALENSpsoralens n. Plural of psoralen.
PSORALEN n. a drug used to treat psoriasis.
PSORASPSORA n. (obsolete) a cutaneous disease; esp. the itch.
PSORIASESpsoriases n. Plural of psoriasis.
PSORIASIS n. the state of being affected with psora, a cutaneous disease.
PSORIASISpsoriasis n. (Pathology) A noncontagious disease whose main symptom is gray or silvery flaky patches on the skin…
PSORIASIS n. the state of being affected with psora, a cutaneous disease.
PSORIATICpsoriatic adj. (Dermatology, pathology) Of, pertaining to or suffering from psoriasis.
psoriatic n. An individual who has psoriasis.
PSORIATIC adj. suffering from psoriasis.
PSORIATICSpsoriatics n. Plural of psoriatic.
PSORIATIC n. a person suffering from psoriasis.
PSORICpsoric adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to psora.
PSORIC adj. of or pertaining to psora, a cutaneous disease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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