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There are 11 eight-letter words beginning with RIS

RISALDARrisaldar n. Alternative form of ressaldar.
RISALDAR n. (Urdu) an Indian troop commander, also RESSALDAR.
RISIBLESrisibles n. The muscles and other organs used in laughing.
RISIBLES n. (US) a sense of the ridiculous; a person's sense of humour.
RISKIESTriskiest adj. Superlative form of risky: most risky.
RISKY adj. dangerous, also RISKFUL.
RISKLESSriskless adj. Free of risk; safe.
RISKLESS adj. free of risk.
RISOLUTOrisoluto adv. (Music) (To be played) boldly, resolutely.
RISOLUTO adv. (Italian) with emphasis, boldly.
RISORIUSrisorius n. (Anatomy) A narrow band of facial muscle arising from the fascia over the masseter and inserting into…
RISORIUS n. a facial muscle situated at the corner of the mouth.
RISOTTOSrisottos n. Plural of risotto.
RISOTTO n. (Italian) rice cooked in broth with grated cheese and seasonings.
RISPETTIrispetti n. Plural of rispetto.
RISPETTO n. (Italian) a type of Italian folksong with 8-line stanzas.
RISPETTOrispetto n. A kind of Tuscan poem of two quatrains in iambic tetrameter.
RISPETTO n. (Italian) a type of Italian folksong with 8-line stanzas.
RISPINGSRISPING n. a portion grated off.
RISSOLESrissoles n. Plural of rissole.
RISSOLE n. (French) a small ball filled with meat or fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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