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List of 12-letter words beginning with

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There are 16 twelve-letter words beginning with STOC

STOCKBREEDERstockbreeder n. A person who breeds and raises livestock.
STOCKBREEDER n. a person engaged in the breeding and care of livestock for the market, for show purposes, or for racing.
STOCKBROKERSstockbrokers n. Plural of stockbroker.
STOCKBROKER n. a broker who executes orders to buy and sell securities and often also acts as a security dealer.
STOCKBROKINGstockbroking n. The profession of a stockbroker.
STOCKBROKING n. the business of a stockbroker.
STOCKHOLDERSstockholders n. Plural of stockholder.
STOCKHOLDER n. an owner of corporate stock.
STOCKHOLDINGstockholding n. (Finance) An ownership interest in one or more companies’ stock.
STOCKHOLDING n. a holding of stock.
STOCKINESSESSTOCKINESS n. the state of being stocky.
STOCKINETTESstockinettes n. Plural of stockinette.
STOCKINETTE n. an elastic knitted fabric for undergarments, etc., also STOCKINET.
STOCKINGLESSstockingless adj. Not wearing stockings.
STOCKINGLESS adj. without stockings.
STOCKISHNESSstockishness n. Stupidity.
STOCKISHNESS n. the state of being stockish.
STOCKJOBBERSstockjobbers n. Plural of stockjobber.
stock-jobbers n. Plural of stock-jobber.
STOCKJOBBER n. a wholesale dealer in stocks and shares.
STOCKJOBBERYSTOCKJOBBERY n. the profession of stockjobber.
STOCKJOBBINGstockjobbing n. (Trading, dated) Making markets in equity securities; dealing in stocks and shares.
STOCKJOBBING n. a list of stocks and current prices regularly issued.
STOCKKEEPERSstockkeepers n. Plural of stockkeeper.
STOCKKEEPER n. one that keeps and records stock, as in a warehouse.
STOCKPILINGSstockpilings n. Plural of stockpiling.
STOCKPILING n. the creation of a reserve supply.
STOCKPUNISHTSTOCKPUNISHT adj. (Shakespeare) punished by being put in the stocks.
STOCKTAKINGSstocktakings n. Plural of stocktaking.
STOCKTAKING n. the inventorying and valuation of stock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 9 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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