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There are 8 words beginning with SABL

SABLEsable n. (Countable) A small carnivorous mammal of the Old World that resembles a weasel, Martes zibellina, from…
sable n. (Countable) The marten, especially Martes americana (syn. Mustela americana).
sable n. (Countable and uncountable) The fur or pelt of the sable or other species of martens; a coat made from this fur.
SABLEDsabled adj. (Poetic) black or sable in colour.
SABLE v. to darken.
SABLEFISHsablefish n. A dark-coloured marine fish, Anoplopoma fimbria, of North American Pacific waters.
SABLEFISH n. a large spiny-finned gray to blackish fish of the Pacific coast.
SABLEFISHESsablefishes n. Plural of sablefish.
SABLEFISH n. a large spiny-finned gray to blackish fish of the Pacific coast.
SABLERsabler adj. Comparative form of sable: more sable.
SABLE adj. black, dark.
SABLESsables n. Plural of sable.
sables n. Black garments worn in mourning.
SABLE v. to darken.
SABLESTsablest adj. Superlative form of sable: most sable.
SABLE adj. black, dark.
SABLINGsabling adj. (Poetic) That makes sable or black.
SABLE v. to darken.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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