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There are 18 nine-letter words beginning with TAM

TAMANDUAStamanduas n. Plural of tamandua.
TAMANDUA n. (Tupi) a tropical American arboreal anteater having a dense furry coat, also TAMANDU.
TAMANOIRStamanoirs n. Plural of tamanoir.
TAMANOIR n. (Tupi) the giant anteater or antbear.
TAMARACKStamaracks n. Plural of tamarack.
TAMARACK n. (Native American) the American or black larch.
TAMARILLOtamarillo n. A small tree or shrub (Solanum betaceum syn. Cyphomandra betacea) which bears edible fruits.
tamarillo n. A fruit of that tree.
TAMARILLO n. the tree tomato.
TAMARINDStamarinds n. Plural of tamarind.
TAMARIND n. (Arabic) a large tropical tree; its fruit.
TAMARISKStamarisks n. Plural of tamarisk.
TAMARISK n. a heathlike shrub or tree of warm regions.
TAMBOURAStambouras n. Plural of tamboura.
TAMBOURA n. (Arabic) an Eastern stringed instrument, used to produce a drone, also TAMBUR, TAMBURA.
TAMBOUREDtamboured v. Simple past tense and past participle of tambour.
TAMBOUR v. to embroider on a round wooden frame.
TAMBOURERtambourer n. One who embroiders on a tambour.
TAMBOURER n. one who embroiders on a tambour.
TAMBOURINtambourin n. Obsolete form of tambourine (percussion instrument).
tambourin n. (Obsolete) An old lively Provençal dance, common on the stage.
TAMBOURIN n. a long, narrow, Provencal drum; a two-beat dance style, accompanied by a tambourin.
TAMBURINStamburins n. Plural of tamburin.
TAMBURIN n. (Spenser) a tambourine.
TAMOXIFENtamoxifen n. (Pharmacology) A nonsteroidal estrogen antagonist used in the treatment of postmenopausal breast cancer…
TAMOXIFEN n. a drug which inhibits the effects of oestrogen.
TAMPERERStamperers n. Plural of tamperer.
TAMPERER n. one who tampers.
TAMPERINGtampering v. Present participle of tamper.
tampering n. The act of one who tampers.
TAMPERING n. the act of tampering.
TAMPONADEtamponade n. (Medicine) The use of a tampon.
tamponade n. (Medicine) A stoppage in the flow of blood in a vessel, caused either by the insertion of a tampon or…
tamponade v. (Medicine) To plug or stop with a tampon.
TAMPONAGEtamponage n. (Medicine) The use of a tampon; a tamponade.
TAMPONAGE n. the surgical use of a tampon, also TAMPONADE.
TAMPONINGtamponing v. Present participle of tampon.
tamponing n. The application of a tampon or plug.
TAMPON v. to plug with a tampon, also TOMPON.
TAMWORTHSTamworths n. Plural of Tamworth.
TAMWORTH n. a breed of long-bodied pigs with red-golden hair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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