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There are 10 words beginning with TURR

TURRTURR n. (Canadian) a Newfoundland name for the guillemot.
TURRETturret n. (Architecture) A little tower, frequently a merely ornamental structure at one of the corners of a building or castle.
turret n. (Historical, military) A siege tower; a movable building, of a square form, consisting of ten or even…
turret n. (Electronics) A tower-like solder post on a turret board (a circuit board with posts instead of holes).
TURRETEDturreted adj. Having one or more turrets.
turreted adj. (Biology, of a gastropod shell) Having or being in the shape of a long spiral.
TURRETED adj. having a turret.
TURRETSturrets n. Plural of turret.
TURRET n. a small tower.
TURRIBANTturribant n. Obsolete form of turban.
TURRIBANT n. (Spenser) a turban.
TURRIBANTSturribants n. Plural of turribant.
TURRIBANT n. (Spenser) a turban.
TURRICALturrical adj. Shaped like a tower.
TURRICAL adj. like a turret.
TURRICULATEturriculate adj. Furnished with, or formed like, a small turret or turrets; somewhat turreted.
TURRICULATE adj. turreted; formed in a long spiral, also TURRICULATED.
TURRICULATEDturriculated adj. Synonym of turriculate.
TURRICULATED adj. turreted; formed in a long spiral, also TURRICULATE.
TURRSTURR n. (Canadian) a Newfoundland name for the guillemot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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