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There are 10 words ending with BARD

BARDbard n. A professional poet and singer, like among the ancient Celts, whose occupation was to compose and sing…
bard n. (By extension) A poet.
bard n. A piece of defensive (or, sometimes, ornamental) armor for a horse’s neck, breast, and flanks; a barb…
BOMBARDbombard n. A medieval primitive cannon, used chiefly in sieges for throwing heavy stone balls.
bombard n. (Obsolete) a bassoon-like medieval instrument.
bombard n. (Obsolete) a large liquor container made of leather, in the form of a jug or a bottle.
COLOMBARDCOLOMBARD n. a kind of grape used to make wine.
GABBARDgabbard n. Alternative form of gabbart.
Gabbard prop.n. A surname.
GABBARD n. (Scots) a kind of barge, also GABBART.
GUIMBARDguimbard n. Alternative form of guimbarde.
GUIMBARD n. a Jew's-harp.
LIBBARDlibbard n. Obsolete spelling of leopard.
LIBBARD n. (archaic) a leopard.
LUBBARDlubbard adj. Lubberly.
lubbard n. A lubber.
LUBBARD n. a clumsy fellow, also LUBBER.
SCABBARDscabbard n. The sheath of a sword.
scabbard v. To put an object (especially a sword) into its scabbard.
SCABBARD v. to sheathe, as a sword.
TABARDtabard n. A silk banner attached to a bugle or trumpet.
tabard n. A sleeveless jerkin or loose overgarment.
tabard n. (Historical) A sleeveless garment made of coarse cloth formerly worn outdoors by the common people.
UNSCABBARDunscabbard v. (Transitive) To remove (a weapon) from its scabbard.
UNSCABBARD v. to withdraw e.g. a sword from a scabbard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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