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There are 17 words ending with CCAS

ACCASaccas n. Plural of acca.
ACCA n. (Australian slang) an academic, also ACKER.
ALPACCASALPACCA n. a type of nickel silver used in jewellery.
ANICCASANICCA n. (Sanskrit) the belief that everything is impermanent and constantly changing.
ASARABACCASasarabaccas n. Plural of asarabacca.
ASARABACCA n. an acrid herbaceous plant of the birthwort family, the leaves and roots of which are emetic and cathartic.
BACCASBACCA n. (Latin) a botanical name for a berry.
BOCCASboccas n. Plural of bocca.
BOCCA n. (Italian) a mouth.
FELUCCASfeluccas n. Plural of felucca.
FELUCCA n. (Italian) a small sailing vessel.
MALACCASMalaccas n. Plural of Malacca.
MALACCA n. (Malay) the cane of an Asian rattan palm.
MANDIOCCASMANDIOCCA n. (Tupi) a plant of the manioc genus, aka cassava, also MANDIOC, MANDIOCA, MANIHOC, MANIHOT, MANIOC, MANIOCA.
MECCASmeccas n. Plural of mecca.
Meccas n. Plural of Mecca.
MECCA n. (Arabic) a place visited by many people, also MEKKA.
MEDACCASMEDACCA n. (Japanese) a small Japanese fish, also MEDAKA.
POLACCASpolaccas n. Plural of polacca.
POLACCA n. (Italian) a vessel with two or three masts, used in the Mediterranean, also POLACRE.
SALTIMBOCCASsaltimboccas n. Plural of saltimbocca.
SALTIMBOCCA n. (Italian) an Italian dish of rolled slices of meat and ham, with cheese and herbs.
WICCASWICCA n. (Old English) the practice of witchcraft.
YACCASyaccas n. Plural of yacca.
YACCA n. (Australian slang) an Australian plant with a woody stem and stiff grasslike leaves, aka grass tree.
YUCCASyuccas n. Plural of yucca.
YUCCA n. (Caribbean) a Mexican plant of the lily family, also YUCA.
ZIMOCCASzimoccas n. Plural of zimocca.
ZIMOCCA n. a type of bath-sponge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 39 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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