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There are 17 words ending with DU

BEDUBedu n. Alternative form of bedouin.
BEDU n. a nomadic Arab, also BEDOUIN, BEDAWIN, BEDUIN.
BUNDUbundu n. (South Africa) A wilderness region, away from cities.
Bundu prop.n. (Historical) A state in Africa, later a French protectorate dependent on the colony of Senegal.
Bundu prop.n. Alternative form of Bondo (“Sande society”).
DIDJERIDUdidjeridu n. Alternative form of didgeridoo.
DIDJERIDU n. a native Australian musical instrument, also DIDGERIDOO, DIDJERIDOO.
EPERDUEPERDU adj. (French) desperately in love (of a male).
FONDUfondu n. (Printing) The graded shift from one color into another.
fondu n. Alternative spelling of fondue.
fondu n. (Ballet) Involving a lowering of the body by bending the knee of the supporting leg.
KUDUkudu n. A large, striped, African antelope of the species Tragelaphus imberbis (the lesser kudu) or Tragelaphus…
KUDU n. (Hottentot) a kind of antelope with long spiral horns, also KOODOO.
MALENTENDUMALENTENDU n. (French) a misunderstanding.
NANDUnandu n. Any of the rheas: the large, flightless birds of the three species of South American ratites of the…
NANDU n. (Tupi) the rhea, or South American ostrich, also NANDOO, NHANDU.
NHANDUNHANDU n. (Tupi) the rhea, a South American ostrich, also NANDU, NANDOO.
PENDUPENDU adj. (Hinglish) culturally backward.
PERDUperdu adj. (Obsolete, military) Stationed in an exposed or hazardous position; hidden in ambush. Originally as sentinel perdu.
perdu adj. (Now rare) In a dangerous situation; lost, desperate.
perdu adj. (Now rare) Hidden; concealed from sight. Chiefly with lie.
PUDUpudu n. A very small South American deer of the genus Pudu, native to the Andes.
pudú n. Alternative form of pudu.
PUDU n. a very small deer, native of the Chilian Andes.
PYENGADUpyengadu n. Alternative form of pyinkado.
PYENGADU n. (Burmese) the ironwood tree, also PYINKADO.
TAMANDUtamandu n. Alternative form of tamandua (“type of anteater”).
TAMANDU n. (Tupi) a tropical American arboreal anteater having a dense furry coat, also TAMANDUA.
TELEDUteledu n. A stink badger, a mammal endemic to the island of Java, Mydaus javanensis.
TELEDU n. (Javanese) an East Indian carnivore allied to the badger, and noted for the very offensive odor that it emits.
TENDUtendu n. (Ballet) A move in which the leg and foot stretch to point in a particular direction, but the foot does…
TENDU n. an Asian ebony tree.
WUDUwudu n. (Islam) form of ritual washing of the forearms, head, and feet, required after minor impurity, frequently…
wudu n. (Islam) the state of purity that is achieved by this washing.
wudu' n. Alternative spelling of wudu.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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