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There are 10 five-letter words ending with ENE

AGENEagene n. (Inorganic chemistry) nitrogen trichloride when it was used as a bleaching agent and improving agent in flour.
AGENE n. a chemical compound used in bleaching flour.
AKENEakene n. Alternative spelling of achene.
AKENE n. a dry one-seeded fruit, also ACHENE.
AMENEamene adj. Pleasant; agreeable.
AMENE adj. pleasant, offering amenity.
ARENEarene n. (Organic chemistry) Any monocyclic or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.
ARENE n. an aromatic hydrocarbon.
CTENEctene n. (Zoology) A band of fused cilia on the bodies of ctenophores, used for locomotion.
CTENE n. (Greek) a comblike swimming organ.
DIENEdiene n. (Organic chemistry) An organic compound, especially a hydrocarbon, containing two double bonds.
-diene suff. (Organic chemistry) An unsaturated hydrocarbon with two double bonds; a diene.
-diene suff. (Organic chemistry) A polymer of such a diene.
PHENEphene n. (Chemistry, obsolete) Benzene.
phene n. (Genetics) A genetically determined phenotype.
PHENE n. an old name for the hydrocarbon benzene.
SCENEscene n. The location of an event that attracts attention.
scene n. (Archaic, theater) the stage.
scene n. (Theater) The decorations; furnishings and backgrounds of a stage, representing the place in which the…
SKENEskene n. An element of ancient Greek theater: the structure at the back of the stage.
skene n. Alternative form of skean (“a kind of dagger”).
Skene prop.n. A surname.
TEENETEENE n. (archaic) injury, pain, also TEEN, TENE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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