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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 15 seven-letter words ending with IOS

ADAGIOSadagios n. Plural of adagio.
Adagios prop.n. Plural of Adagio.
ADAGIO n. a piece of music to be played slowly.
BAGNIOSbagnios n. Plural of bagnio.
BAGNIO n. (Italian) a brothel; a slave prison.
BAGUIOSbaguios n. Plural of baguio.
BAGUIO n. (Spanish) a hurricane.
BARRIOSbarrios n. Plural of barrio.
Barrios prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
BARRIO n. (Spanish) a Spanish-speaking usually poor community or district.
CABRIOSCABRIO n. a kind of two-wheeled carriage.
CARDIOSCARDIO n. (short for) a cardiograph.
DAIMIOSdaimios n. Plural of daimio.
DAIMIO n. (Japanese) a former Japanese nobleman, also DAIMYO.
DOPPIOSdoppios n. Plural of doppio.
DOPPIO n. (Italian) a double measure of espresso coffee.
GORGIOSGorgios n. Plural of Gorgio.
GORGIO n. (Romany) a non-gypsy, also GADGIE, GADJE, GADJO, GAJO, GAUDGIE, GAUJE.
NUNCIOSnuncios n. Plural of nuncio.
Nuncios prop.n. Plural of Nuncio.
NUNCIO n. (Italian) an ambassador from the pope.
PHYSIOSphysios n. Plural of physio.
PHYSIO n. (short for) physiotherapy.
PIOPIOSpiopios n. Plural of piopio.
PIOPIO n. (Maori) a New Zealand thrush, thought to be extinct.
STUDIOSstudios n. Plural of studio.
STUDIO n. an artist's workroom.
TERCIOStercios n. Plural of tercio.
TERCIO n. (Spanish) an infantry regiment, originally Spanish, also TERTIA.
VIBRIOSvibrios n. Plural of vibrio.
VIBRIO n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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