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List of 4-letter words ending with

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There are 4 four-letter words ending with LOT

BLOTblot n. A blemish, spot or stain made by a coloured substance.
blot n. (By extension) A stain on someone’s reputation or character; a disgrace.
blot n. (Biochemistry) A method of transferring proteins, DNA or RNA, onto a carrier.
CLOTclot n. A thrombus, solidified mass of blood.
clot n. A solidified mass of any liquid.
clot n. A silly person.
PLOTplot n. (Narratology) The course of a story, comprising a series of incidents which are gradually unfolded…
plot n. An area or land used for building on or planting on.
plot n. A graph or diagram drawn by hand or produced by a mechanical or electronic device.
SLOTslot n. A broad, flat, wooden bar, a slat, especially as used to secure a door, window, etc.
slot n. A metal bolt or wooden bar, especially as a crosspiece.
slot n. (Scotland, Northern England) An implement for barring, bolting, locking or securing a door, box, gate…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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