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There are 18 words ending with LLAH

AYATOLLAHayatollah n. A religious leader in Twelver Shi’ism.
ayatollah n. (Colloquial) An authority on any subject.
AYATOLLAH n. (Arabic) an Iranian religious leader.
BISMILLAHbismillah interj. Alternative letter-case form of Bismillah.
Bismillah interj. (Islam) Used in belief of blessing the speaker’s imminent action, especially prior to eating and drinking;…
Bismillah interj. (Islam) Ellipsis of Bismillahi ar-Rahmani ar-Rahim (“in the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate;…
BOXWALLAHboxwallah n. (India, historical) An Indian pedlar who sold goods from a box or trunk.
BOXWALLAH n. (Hindi) a pedlar; a businessman.
CHALLAHchallah n. (Countable) A traditional bread eaten by Ashkenazi Jews, usually braided for the Sabbath and round for a yom tov.
challah n. (Uncountable) The commandment to separate a portion of bread or bread dough for the cohanim (Numbers…
challah n. (Countable) The portion separated in fulfillment of the above.
FELLAHfellah n. A peasant, farmer or agricultural laborer in the Middle East and North Africa.
fellah n. Alternative spelling of fella.
FELLAH n. (Arabic) a peasant or labourer in Arab countries.
HALLAHhallah n. Alternative form of challah.
HALLAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALAH, CHALEH, CHALLA, CHALLAH.
INSHALLAHinshallah interj. (Chiefly Islam) Expressing the speaker’s wish for a given future event to occur and/or their emphasis…
inshallah interj. (Colloquial, sarcastic) Expressing a skeptical affirmative, to indicate the unlikeliness of events…
INSHALLAH interj. (Arabic) an interjection among Muslims, if Allah wills.
MASHALLAHmashallah interj. (Islam) Expressing the speaker’s gratitude for a blessing or their recognition of divine intervention…
mashallah interj. (Islam) Expressing the speaker’s wish for a fortune to be maintained, especially against the evil eye;…
mashallah interj. An indication of excitement, surprise or astonishment. Wow!
MEGILLAHmegillah n. (Judaism) any of the Five Scrolls of the Hebrew Scriptures (Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes…
megillah n. (Judaism, specifically) the Book of Esther.
megillah n. Alternative form of magilla.
MOLLAHmollah n. Archaic form of mullah.
MOLLAH n. (Arabic) a Muslim learned in theology and law, also MOLLA, MOOLAH, MULLA, MULLAH, MULLER.
MULLAHmullah n. (Islam) A religious scholar and teacher of sharia law.
mullah n. (India, religious slur, slang) A conservative Muslim leader or cleric, especially one who is hostile…
mullah n. (India, religious slur, slang, by extension) A Muslim.
NALLAHnallah n. Alternative form of nullah.
NALLAH n. (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse, also NALA, NALLA, NULLA, NULLAH.
NULLAHnullah n. (Chiefly South Asia) A stream-bed, ravine, or other watercourse; a drain for rain or floodwater.
nullah n. (Hong Kong) An open-air, concrete-lined channel for draining rain or wastewater.
NULLAH n. (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse, also NALA, NALLA, NALLAH, NULLA.
PALLAHpallah n. (Dated) the impala.
PALLAH n. (Setswana) a large South African antelope with lyrated horns.
TEFILLAHtefillah n. Alternative form of tefilla.
TEFILLAH n. (Hebrew) a phylactery worn by Jews, also TEPHILLAH.
TEPHILLAHtephillah n. Alternative form of tefilla.
TEPHILLAH n. (Hebrew) a phylactery worn by Jews, also TEFILLAH.
WALLAHwallah n. (India) A servant or other person responsible for something, often specified before it, for example kitchen wallah.
wallah n. (India, historical) Short for competition wallah.
wallah n. (Britain, slang) A guy or bloke.
ZILLAHzillah n. A district or local division, as of a province, in India.
Zillah prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew.
Zillah prop.n. (Biblical, Torah) The wife of Lamech.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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