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List of 7-letter words ending with

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There are 7 seven-letter words ending with MO

CENTIMOcentimo n. A cent, i.e. 1100, of certain (mainly historic) Iberian and Latin American currencies, and presently…
CENTIMO n. (Spanish) a coin and monetary unit of Spain and South America, one hundredth of the standard unit of currency.
NATHEMOnathemo adv. Obsolete form of neverthemore.
NATHEMO adv. (Spenser) nevermore, also NATHEMORE, NEVERMORE.
PROXIMOproximo adv. Of next month.
proximo- pref. ISV combining form denoting proximal location or vector.
PROXIMO adj. (Latin) of or occurring in the following month.
SCREAMOscreamo n. (Music) A genre of aggressive lo-fi guitar-driven music with predominantly screaming vocals, while preserving…
screamo n. (Music) A genre of guitar driven music sometimes referred to as posthardcore, combining late 1990’s…
screamo n. (Music) Any punk rock inspired music that involves screaming vocals, typically referring to the genres…
SENTIMOsentimo n. Centavo (subdivision of Philippine peso).
SENTIMO n. a monetary unit of the Philippines.
SUPREMOsupremo n. (Informal) The most important person in an organization.
SUPREMO n. (Spanish) a supreme head, a leader with unlimited powers.
VERISMOverismo n. An artistic movement, from 19th-century Italian literature and opera, in which rural and everyday people…
VERISMO n. (Italian) realism in art or literature, also VERISM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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