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List of 13-letter words ending with

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words ending with OID

ALLOPOLYPLOIDallopolyploid adj. (Genetics) Having multiple complete sets of chromosomes derived from different species.
allopolyploid n. (Biology) Such an organism.
ALLOPOLYPLOID n. a polyploid having a chromosome set composed of chromosome derived from different species.
ANAPHYLACTOIDanaphylactoid adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling anaphylaxis.
ANAPHYLACTOID adj. of, relating to, affected by, or causing anaphylaxis.
AUTOPOLYPLOIDautopolyploid adj. (Genetics) Having more than two sets of chromosomes, derived from the same species, as a result of redoubling.
autopolyploid n. Any organism of this kind.
AUTOPOLYPLOID n. an individual or strain whose chromosome complement consists of more than two complete copies of the genome of a single ancestral species.
CARCINOMATOIDcarcinomatoid adj. (Medicine) Having an appearance resembling that of carcinomata, often histopathologically.
CARCINOMATOID adj. having the shape of a carcinoma.
CLINOPINACOIDclinopinacoid n. (Crystallography) The plane in monoclinic crystals that is parallel to the vertical and the inclined…
CLINOPINACOID n. a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis, also CLINOPINAKOID.
CLINOPINAKOIDCLINOPINAKOID n. a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis, also CLINOPINACOID.
ENDOPOLYPLOIDendopolyploid adj. Exhibiting or relating to endopolyploidy.
endopolyploid n. Any organism that exhibits endopolyploidy.
ENDOPOLYPLOID adj. relating to endopolyploidy.
GLYCOALKALOIDglycoalkaloid n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of alkaloid glycosides, most of which are poisonous.
HISTIOPHOROIDHISTIOPHOROID adj. related to a genus of swordfish.
HYPOEUTECTOIDhypoeutectoid adj. Synonym of hypoeutectic.
hypoeutectoid n. A hypoeutectic alloy.
HYPOEUTECTOID adj. of a compound, containing less of the minor component than a eutectic compound.
MACROPINACOIDmacropinacoid n. (Crystallography) One of the two planes of an orthorhombic crystal which are parallel to the vertical…
MACROPINACOID n. a crystalline pinacoid which runs parallel to the longer horizontal axis, also MACROPINAKOID.
MACROPINAKOIDMACROPINAKOID n. a crystalline pinacoid which runs parallel to the longer horizontal axis, also MACROPINACOID.
ORTHOPINAKOIDORTHOPINAKOID n. in monoclinic crystals, a form consisting of two faces parallel to the orthodiagonal and the vertical axis.
STERNOMASTOIDsternomastoid adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the sternum and the mastoid process.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 176 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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