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There are 7 words ending with RBAL

BARBALbarbal adj. Relating to beards.
BARBAL adj. pertaining to the beard.
CRUCIVERBALcruciverbal adj. Relating to crossword puzzles.
CRUCIVERBAL adj. related to crosswords.
DEVERBALdeverbal adj. (Grammar, linguistics) Derived from a verb.
deverbal n. (Grammar, linguistics) A word, especially a substantive, that is derived from a verb.
DEVERBAL n. a word derived from a verb.
HERBALherbal adj. Made from or with herbs.
herbal adj. Made from natural herbs specifically as opposed to from synthetic materials.
herbal n. A manual of herbs and their medical uses.
NONVERBALnonverbal adj. Alternative spelling of non-verbal.
nonverbal n. Alternative spelling of non-verbal.
non-verbal adj. (Of communication) In a form other than written or spoken words, such as gestures, facial expressions…
PREVERBALpreverbal adj. (Child development) At an early stage of development in which one is not yet able to communicate by means of words.
preverbal adj. (Linguistics, of a part of speech) Occurring before the verb in a sentence or expression.
preverbal n. (Grammar) A preverb.
VERBALverbal adj. Of or relating to words.
verbal adj. Concerned with the words, rather than the substance of a text.
verbal adj. Consisting of words only.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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