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There are 10 words ending with RIFF

DANDRIFFdandriff n. Archaic spelling of dandruff.
DANDRIFF n. a scurf that forms on the scalp, also DANDRUFF.
GRIFFgriff n. (India) griffin, (white) newcomer.
griff n. (Obsolete) grasp; reach.
griff n. (Weaving) An arrangement of parallel bars for lifting the hooked wires which raise the warp threads…
HIPPOGRIFFhippogriff n. A mythical beast, half griffin and half horse, supposedly the offspring of a griffin and a filly.
HIPPOGRIFF n. a fabulous winged animal, half horse and half griffin, also HIPPOGRYPH.
MIDRIFFmidriff n. The middle section of the human torso, from below the chest to above the waist.
MIDRIFF n. the area of the front of the body between the chest and the waist.
NONTARIFFnontariff adj. (Of a restriction to trade) not involving the imposition of a tariff in the form of a tax or duty.
non-tariff adj. Alternative form of nontariff.
NONTARIFF adj. not involving a tariff.
RIFFriff n. A repeated instrumental melody line in a song.
riff n. A clever or witty remark.
riff n. A variation on something.
SHERIFFsheriff n. (Britain, except Scotland) (High Sheriff) An official of a shire or county office, responsible for carrying…
sheriff n. (Scotland) A judge in the sheriff court, the court of a county or sheriffdom.
sheriff n. (US) A government official, usually responsible for law enforcement in their county and for administration…
TARIFFtariff n. A system of government-imposed duties levied on imported or exported goods; a list of such duties, or…
tariff n. A schedule of rates, fees or prices.
tariff n. (Britain) A sentence determined according to a scale of standard penalties for certain categories of crime.
TRIFFtriff adj. (UK, slang) terrific; wonderful.
TRIFF adj. (slang) terrific, excellent, also TRIFFIC.
UNDERSHERIFFundersheriff n. In certain jurisdictions, a deputy sheriff; second in command to a sheriff.
UNDERSHERIFF n. one below the rank of sheriff.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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