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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing ARH

BEARHUGSbearhugs n. Plural of bearhug.
bear␣hugs n. Plural of bear hug.
BEARHUG n. a firm embrace.
EARHOLESearholes n. Plural of earhole.
EARHOLE n. the external opening of the ear.
GEARHEADgearhead n. A mechanical device used to increase the torque of gears.
gearhead n. (Informal) An enthusiast for new technology, or for motoring.
gear␣head n. Alternative spelling of gearhead.
HOARHEADhoarhead n. (Obsolete, poetic) An old person with grey hair.
HOARHEAD n. a hoary-headed old man.
JARHEADSjarheads n. Plural of jarhead.
JARHEAD n. an American marine soldier.
NAVARHOSNAVARHO n. a low-frequency, long-range radio navigation system for aircraft.
PARHELIAparhelia n. Plural of parhelion.
PARHELION n. a halolike light seen in sky opposite the sun.
PARHELICparhelic adj. Of or pertaining to parhelia.
PARHELIC adj. of or pertaining to a parhelion, a halolike light seen in sky opposite the sun, also PARHELIACAL.
WARHABLEWARHABLE adj. (Spenser) fit for war.
WARHEADSwarheads n. Plural of warhead.
WARHEAD n. the explosive part of a missile.
WARHORSEwarhorse n. (Historical, military) Any horse used in horse-cavalry, but especially one bearing an armoured knight.
warhorse n. (Figurative, informal) An experienced person who has been through many battles, situations or contests;…
warhorse n. (Theater, music) A regularly revived theatrical or musical work, as with Hamlet or a Beethoven symphony…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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