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There are 14 words containing AUZ

GAUZEgauze n. A thin fabric with a loose, open weave.
gauze n. (Medicine) A similar bleached cotton fabric used as a surgical dressing.
gauze n. A thin woven metal or plastic mesh.
GAUZELIKEgauzelike adj. Like or resembling gauze.
gauze-like adj. Alternative form of gauzelike.
GAUZELIKE adj. like gauze.
GAUZESgauzes n. Plural of gauze.
GAUZE n. a transparent fabric.
GAUZIERgauzier adj. Comparative form of gauzy: more gauzy.
GAUZY adj. resembling gauze.
GAUZIESTgauziest adj. Superlative form of gauzy: most gauzy.
GAUZY adj. resembling gauze.
GAUZILYgauzily adv. In a gauzy manner.
GAUZY adv. resembling gauze.
GAUZINESSgauziness n. The quality of being gauzy.
GAUZINESS n. the state of being gauzy.
GAUZINESSESGAUZINESS n. the state of being gauzy.
GAUZYgauzy adj. Resembling gauze; light, thin, translucent.
gauzy adj. (Figurative) light; giving the effect of haze.
gauzy adj. (Figurative) vague or elusive.
MAUZIERMAUZY adj. foggy, misty, also MAUSY.
MAUZIESTMAUZY adj. foggy, misty, also MAUSY.
MAUZYmauzy adj. (Newfoundland) Hot and humid.
Mauzy prop.n. A surname.
MAUZY adj. foggy, misty, also MAUSY.
SCHNAUZERschnauzer n. A dog of a particular breed originating in Germany.
SCHNAUZER n. (German) a German breed of wirehaired terrier.
SCHNAUZERSschnauzers n. Plural of schnauzer.
SCHNAUZER n. (German) a German breed of wirehaired terrier.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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