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There are 13 words containing AWR

AWRACKawrack adv. (Archaic) Wrecked; in ruins.
AWRACK adv. (obsolete) in a state of wreck.
AWRONGawrong adv. (Obsolete) Wrongly.
AWRONG adv. (obsolete) wrongly.
AWRYawry adv. Obliquely, crookedly; askew.
awry adv. Perversely, improperly.
awry adj. Turned or twisted toward one side; crooked, distorted, out of place; wry.
BAWRBAWR n. (Scots) a joke, amusing incident, also BAUR.
BAWRSBAWR n. (Scots) a joke, amusing incident, also BAUR.
LAWRENCIUMlawrencium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Lr, formerly Lw) with atomic number 103.
LAWRENCIUM n. a transuranic element, atomic number 103, discovered in 1961.
LAWRENCIUMSLAWRENCIUM n. a transuranic element, atomic number 103, discovered in 1961.
MAWRMawr prop.n. A community (civil parish) in the City and County of Swansea, Wales.
MAWR n. (dialect) a girl, esp. a great awkward girl, also MAUTHER, MAWTHER.
MAWRSMAWR n. (dialect) a girl, esp. a great awkward girl, also MAUTHER, MAWTHER.
OUTLAWRIESoutlawries n. Plural of outlawry.
OUTLAWRY n. the state of being an outlaw.
OUTLAWRYoutlawry n. (Law, historical) A declaration that an individual cannot benefit from the protection of law in a jurisdiction.
outlawry n. The state of being an outlaw; lawlessness.
OUTLAWRY n. the state of being an outlaw.
SQUAWROOTsquawroot n. Either of two not closely related plants from eastern North America…
squaw␣root n. Alternative form of squawroot.
SQUAWROOT n. a scaly parasitic plant found in oak woods in the United States.
SQUAWROOTSsquawroots n. Plural of squawroot.
squaw␣roots n. Plural of squaw root.
SQUAWROOT n. a scaly parasitic plant found in oak woods in the United States.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 138 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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