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There are 18 words containing ADBO

ADBOTadbot n. (Computing) A bot (automated software agent) that displays advertisements.
ADBOT n. a specialized computer program that inflicts ads on users.
ADBOTSadbots n. Plural of adbot.
ADBOT n. a specialized computer program that inflicts ads on users.
BREADBOARDbreadboard n. A cutting board, especially for cutting bread.
breadboard n. A pull-out cutting board underneath a counter, found in many kitchens.
breadboard n. (Electronics) A device used to build a (usually temporary) prototype of an electronic circuit and for…
BREADBOARDEDbreadboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of breadboard.
BREADBOARD v. to make an experimental version of (an electronic circuit).
BREADBOARDINGbreadboarding v. Present participle of breadboard.
BREADBOARD v. to make an experimental version of (an electronic circuit).
BREADBOARDSbreadboards n. Plural of breadboard.
BREADBOARD v. to make an experimental version of (an electronic circuit).
BREADBOXbreadbox n. A container for storing bread or other baked goods to keep them fresh.
bread␣box n. Alternative spelling of breadbox.
BREADBOX n. a container for bread.
BREADBOXESbreadboxes n. Plural of breadbox.
bread␣boxes n. Plural of bread box.
BREADBOX n. a container for bread.
DADBODdadbod n. (Slang) The slighty paunchy body type characteristic of a father; a man who has this type of body.
dad␣bod n. Alternative form of dadbod.
DADBOD n. an untoned and slightly plump male physique, esp one considered attractive.
DADBODSdadbods n. Plural of dadbod.
dad␣bods n. Plural of dad bod.
DADBOD n. an untoned and slightly plump male physique, esp one considered attractive.
DEADBOLTdeadbolt n. The part of the lock which is moved when the key is engaged.
deadbolt n. A kind of lock in which the bolt (moving portion) is held in position by the cylinder rather than by…
deadbolt v. (Transitive) To fasten or secure with a deadbolt.
DEADBOLTSdeadbolts n. Plural of deadbolt.
DEADBOLT n. a lock for a door.
DEADBOYDEADBOY n. a metal plate driven into firm snow for use by mountaineers as a belaying point, also DEADMAN.
DEADBOYSDEADBOY n. a metal plate driven into firm snow for use by mountaineers as a belaying point, also DEADMAN.
HEADBOARDheadboard n. A vertical panel, either plain or upholstered, attached to the head of a bed.
headboard n. (Nautical) A panel, usually of metal, attached to the head of a fore-and-aft sail for additional strength.
headboard n. (Rail transport) A board on the front of a train, carrying the train’s name or that of the service it is on.
HEADBOARDSheadboards n. Plural of headboard.
HEADBOARD n. a board at the head of a bed.
HEADBOROUGHheadborough n. (Historical, law) Synonym of tithingman: the head of a tithing.
headborough n. (Historical, law) Synonym of tithingman: a peace officer or underconstable.
HEADBOROUGH n. (historical) the head of a frankpledge, tithing, or decennary; a petty constable.
HEADBOROUGHSheadboroughs n. Plural of headborough.
HEADBOROUGH n. (historical) the head of a frankpledge, tithing, or decennary; a petty constable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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