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There are 14 words containing AVOL

GIGAVOLTgigavolt n. One billion (109) volts. Symbol: GV.
giga-volt n. One thousand million ( 109 ) volts. Symbol: GV.
GIGAVOLT n. a billion volts.
GIGAVOLTSgigavolts n. Plural of gigavolt.
giga-volts n. Plural of giga-volt.
GIGAVOLT n. a billion volts.
LAVOLTlavolt n. Alternative form of lavolta.
LAVOLT n. (Shakespeare) a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time, also LAVOLTA, VOLTA.
LAVOLT v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLTA.
LAVOLTAlavolta n. An ancient dance of the Renaissance which incorporated many challenging twists and skips.
LAVOLTA n. (Shakespeare) a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time, also LAVOLT, VOLTA.
LAVOLTA v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLT.
LAVOLTAEDLAVOLTA v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLT.
LAVOLTAINGLAVOLTA v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLT.
LAVOLTASlavoltas n. Plural of lavolta.
LAVOLTA v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLT.
LAVOLTEDLAVOLT v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLTA.
LAVOLTINGLAVOLT v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLTA.
LAVOLTSlavolts n. Plural of lavolt.
LAVOLT v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLTA.
MEGAVOLTmegavolt n. One million (106) volts, abbreviated as MV.
mega-volt n. One million ( 106 ) volts, abbreviated as MV.
MEGAVOLT n. a unit of electromotive force.
MEGAVOLTSmegavolts n. Plural of megavolt.
mega-volts n. Plural of mega-volt.
MEGAVOLT n. a unit of electromotive force.
TRAVOLATORtravolator n. Alternative form of travelator.
TRAVOLATOR n. a moving footpath for pedestrians, also TRAVELATOR.
TRAVOLATORStravolators n. Plural of travolator.
TRAVOLATOR n. a moving footpath for pedestrians, also TRAVELATOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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