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There are 18 words containing AWKE

BALLHAWKEDBALLHAWK v. to act as a good defensive player.
CAWKERcawker n. Alternative form of calker.
CAWKER n. a pointed piece on a horseshoe to prevent slipping, also CALK, CALKER, CALKIN.
CAWKERScawkers n. Plural of cawker.
CAWKER n. a pointed piece on a horseshoe to prevent slipping, also CALK, CALKER, CALKIN.
GAWKEDgawked v. Simple past tense and past participle of gawk.
GAWK v. to stare and gape.
GAWKERgawker n. Someone who gawks; someone who stares stupidly.
GAWKER n. one who gawks, stands and gapes.
GAWKERSgawkers n. Plural of gawker.
GAWKER n. one who gawks, stands and gapes.
HAWKEDhawked v. Simple past tense and past participle of hawk.
hawked adj. Curved like a hawk’s bill; crooked.
hawked adj. (Scotland) spotted, streaked.
HAWKERhawker n. A peddler, a huckster, a person who sells easily transportable goods.
hawker n. Any dragonfly of the family Aeshnidae; a darner.
hawker n. Someone who breeds and trains hawks and other falcons; a falconer.
HAWKERShawkers n. Plural of hawker.
HAWKER n. a peddler.
HAWKEYhawkey n. Alternative form of hawkie (“white-faced cow”).
hawkey n. Obsolete form of hockey (“the sport”).
Hawkey prop.n. A surname.
HAWKEYEDhawkeyed adj. Alternative form of hawk-eyed.
hawk-eyed adj. Having very good eyesight.
HAWKEYED adj. having keen sight.
HAWKEYShawkeys n. Plural of hawkey.
Hawkeys prop.n. Plural of Hawkey.
HAWKEY n. harvest-home, the harvest supper, also HORKEY.
JAYHAWKERjayhawker n. (Historical) An abolitionist raider in the Kansas–Missouri border skirmishes during the American Civil War.
jayhawker n. Any robber or bandit.
JAYHAWKER n. a name given to a freebooting, un-enlisted, armed man or guerrilla in the American Civil War.
JAYHAWKERSjayhawkers n. Plural of jayhawker.
JAYHAWKER n. a name given to a freebooting, un-enlisted, armed man or guerrilla in the American Civil War.
SQUAWKEDsquawked v. Simple past tense and past participle of squawk.
SQUAWK v. to utter a loud, harsh cry.
SQUAWKERsquawker n. Something that squawks.
squawker n. A person who complains or protests noisily.
squawker n. (Slang) An informant; a stool pigeon.
SQUAWKERSsquawkers n. Plural of squawker.
SQUAWKER n. a loudspeaker for reproducing sounds in the middle of the audible range.
TOMAHAWKEDtomahawked v. Simple past tense and past participle of tomahawk.
tomahawked adj. Carrying or bearing a tomahawk.
TOMAHAWK v. (Native American) to strike with a short axe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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