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There are 14 eight-letter words containing BARE

BAREBACKbareback adj. Without a saddle.
bareback adj. Without a condom.
bareback adj. (Dated) Without a shirt; shirtless.
BAREBOATbareboat adj. Being or pertaining to a charter for the hire of a boat without any crew or provisions included.
BAREBOAT n. a pleasure-boat rented without personnel.
BAREBONEbarebone n. A very lean person, especially one whose bones show through the skin.
BAREBONE n. (Shakespeare) a very lean person; one whose bones show through the skin.
BAREFOOTbarefoot adj. Wearing nothing on the feet.
barefoot adj. (Informal) Of a vehicle on an icy road: not using snow chains.
barefoot adj. (CB radio, slang) Transmitting without the use of an amplifier.
BAREGINEbaregine n. A grey, gelatinous deposit in the sulphurous waters of the Barèges spa.
BAREGINE n. (French) a gelatinous mass of bacteria and sulphur found in mineral waters.
BAREHANDbarehand adj. With the hand bare; not wearing gloves etc.
bare␣hand v. (Transitive, baseball) To field the ball without one’s glove in one’s hand.
bare␣hand n. An ungloved hand.
BAREHEADBAREHEAD adj. having the head uncovered, also BAREHEADED.
BARELANDBARELAND adj. as in bareland croft, a croft with no croft house.
BARENESSbareness n. The state of being bare.
BARENESS n. the state of being bare.
BARESARKbaresark n. (Obsolete) A berserker, or Norse warrior who fought without armour.
BARESARK n. (Old Norse) a Norse warrior who fought without armour, or shirt of mail, also BERSERK, BERSERKER.
CABARETScabarets n. Plural of cabaret.
CABARET n. a music hall.
ISOBARESisobares n. Plural of isobare.
ISOBARE n. a type of atom, also ISOBAR.
SUBAREASsubareas n. Plural of subarea.
SUBAREA n. a subdivision of an area.
TABARETStabarets n. Plural of tabaret.
TABARET n. an upholsterer's silk fabric, with alternate stripes of watered and satin surface.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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