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There are 12 six-letter words containing CAG

BOCAGEbocage n. Alternative spelling of boscage.
BOCAGE n. (French) a decorative representation of trees, leaves, etc.
CAGERScagers n. Plural of cager.
CAGER n. a basketball player.
CAGIERcagier adj. Comparative form of cagey: more cagey.
CAGY adj. shrewd, also CAGEY.
CAGILYcagily adv. In a cagy manner.
CAGY adv. shrewd, also CAGEY.
CAGINGcaging v. Present participle of cage.
caging n. The act of placing or trapping something in a cage.
CAGE v. to cage.
CAGMAGcagmag n. (UK, dialect) A tough old goose.
cagmag n. (UK, dialect, by extension, uncountable) Coarse, bad food of any kind.
CAGMAG v. to chat idly.
CAGOTScagots n. Plural of cagot.
Cagots n. Plural of Cagot.
CAGOT n. (French) one of an outcast class found in the Pyrenees, supposed to be the descendants of lepers.
CAGOULcagoul n. Alternative form of cagoule.
CAGOUL n. (French) a light anorak, also CAGOULE, KAGOOL, KAGOUL, KAGOULE.
ENCAGEencage v. To lock inside a cage; to imprison.
ENCAGE v. to put in a cage, also INCAGE.
INCAGEincage v. Alternative form of encage.
INCAGE v. to put in a cage, also ENCAGE.
SOCAGEsocage n. (Historical) In the Middle Ages (and chiefly but not exclusively medieval England), a legal system whereby…
SOCAGE n. a form of feudal land tenure, also SOCCAGE.
UNCAGEuncage v. To take out of or release from a cage.
uncage v. (By extension) To unleash; to remove from restraints.
UNCAGE v. to release from a cage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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