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There are 14 fourteen-letter words containing CANT

ANTIDESICCANTSantidesiccants n. Plural of antidesiccant.
ANTIDESICCANT n. a chemical which prevents or inhibits the drying-out of a plant, etc.
CALYCANTHEMIESCALYCANTHEMY n. the condition of having the calyx like a corolla.
CANTANKEROUSLYcantankerously adv. In a cantankerous manner.
CANTANKEROUS adv. difficult or irritating to deal with.
CANTHAXANTHINECANTHAXANTHINE n. a naturally occurring carotenoid used esp. as a color additive for food, also CANTHAXANTHIN.
CANTHAXANTHINScanthaxanthins n. Plural of canthaxanthin.
CANTHAXANTHIN n. a naturally occurring carotenoid used esp. as a color additive for food, also CANTHAXANTHINE.
CANTONISATIONSCANTONISATION n. the act of dividing into cantons, also CANTONIZATION.
CANTONIZATIONScantonizations n. Plural of cantonization.
CANTONIZATION n. the act of dividing into cantons, also CANTONISATION.
CONTRAINDICANTcontraindicant n. (Medicine) A contraindication.
CONTRAINDICANT n. something that contraindicates.
LYCANTHROPISTSlycanthropists n. Plural of lycanthropist.
LYCANTHROPIST n. a werewolf; a person suffering from lycanthropy, also LYCANTHROPE.
MERCANTILISTICmercantilistic adj. (Economics) Relating to, or characteristic of mercantilism.
MERCANTILISTIC adj. relating to mercantilism.
NONCOMMUNICANTnoncommunicant n. (Religion) One who is not a communicant.
NONCOMMUNICANT n. a person who has not received communion.
NONINTOXICANTSnonintoxicants n. Plural of nonintoxicant.
NONINTOXICANT n. a substance that is not an intoxicant.
NONSIGNIFICANTnonsignificant adj. (Sciences) Lacking statistical significance.
NONSIGNIFICANT n. (in cryptography) a symbol or sign without meaning.
PITHECANTHROPIPITHECANTHROPUS n. any of several primitive extinct men from Java.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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