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There are 14 words containing DSHO

BIRDSHOTbirdshot n. A small lead or steel shot, or ammunition, used in shotgun shells.
birdshot n. A rifle or pistol cartridge containing small shot instead of a single larger projectile.
BIRDSHOT n. small shot for shooting birds.
BIRDSHOTSbirdshots n. Plural of birdshot.
BIRDSHOT n. small shot for shooting birds.
BLOODSHOTbloodshot adj. (Of the eyes) Reddened and inflamed because of congested blood vessels.
BLOODSHOT adj. of the eye, red or inflamed with blood.
HEADSHOTheadshot n. A portrait for branding and/or social media.
headshot n. A gunshot to the head.
headshot n. A one-page, double-sided resume of an actor, consisting of the actor’s photograph (usually of the head…
HEADSHOTSheadshots n. Plural of headshot.
HEADSHOT n. a photograph of someone's head (and shoulders) only.
MIDSHOREMIDSHORE adj. designating a fishery that is between the inshore and offshore fisheries.
REDSHORTredshort adj. Alternative form of red-short.
red-short adj. Hot-short; brittle when red-hot; said of certain kinds of iron.
REDSHORT adj. brittle at red-heat, also REDSEAR, REDSHARE, REDSHIRE.
ROADSHOWroadshow n. A show that travels from place to place.
roadshow n. (Film) The showing of a film in selected cinemas prior to its general release.
roadshow v. (Transitive) To show in various places as part of a travelling excursion.
ROADSHOWSroadshows n. Plural of roadshow.
ROADSHOW n. a touring group of theatrical or musical performers.
SANDSHOEsandshoe n. (Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, Northern England) A sports or walking shoe with canvas upper and…
sand␣shoe n. Alternative form of sandshoe.
SANDSHOE n. a lightweight sneaker.
SANDSHOESsandshoes n. Plural of sandshoe.
sand␣shoes n. Plural of sand shoe.
SANDSHOE n. a lightweight sneaker.
SELDSHOWNSELDSHOWN adj. (Shakespeare) rarely shown.
WOODSHOCKwoodshock n. (US, Canada, dialects, obsolete) The marten, or its pelt.
woodshock n. (US, Canada, dialects, obsolete) The groundhog, or its pelt.
WOODSHOCK n. a large North American marten with dark brown fur.
WOODSHOCKSwoodshocks n. Plural of woodshock.
WOODSHOCK n. a large North American marten with dark brown fur.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 145 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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