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There are 7 five-letter words containing EVER

BEVERbever v. (Intransitive) To tremble; shake; quiver; shiver.
bever n. Alternative spelling of bevor.
bever n. A drink.
EVERTevert v. (Transitive, often biology, physiology) To turn inside out (like a pocket being emptied) or outwards.
evert v. (Transitive, obsolete) To move (someone or something) out of the way.
evert v. (Transitive, obsolete, also figuratively) To turn upside down; to overturn.
EVERYevery det. All of a countable group (considered individually), without exception.
every det. Denotes equal spacing at a stated interval, or a proportion corresponding to such a spacing.
every det. (With certain nouns) Denotes an abundance of something.
FEVERfever n. A higher than normal body temperature of a person (or, generally, a mammal), usually caused by disease.
fever n. (Usually in combination with one or more preceding words) Any of various diseases.
fever n. A state of excitement or anxiety.
LEVERlever n. (Mechanics) A rigid piece which is capable of turning about one point, or axis (the fulcrum), and in…
lever n. A small such piece to trigger or control a mechanical device (like a button).
lever n. (Mechanics) A bar, as a capstan bar, applied to a rotatory piece to turn it.
NEVERnever adv. At no time; on no occasion; in no circumstance.
never adv. Not at any other time; not on any other occasion; not previously.
never adv. (Colloquial) Negative particle (used to negate verbs in the simple past tense; also used absolutely).
SEVERsever v. (Transitive) To cut free.
sever v. (Intransitive) To suffer disjunction; to be parted or separated.
sever v. (Intransitive) To make a separation or distinction; to distinguish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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