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There are 9 six-letter words containing FIB

FIBBEDfibbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fib.
FIB v. to tell a trivial lie.
FIBBERfibber n. (Informal) A liar.
Fibber n. (Slang, derogatory) An FBI agent.
FIBBER n. one who fibs.
FIBERSfibers n. Plural of fiber.
FIBER n. a threadlike cell or filament, also FIBRE.
FIBREDfibred adj. (Especially in combination) Having (a specified form of) fibres.
FIBRED adj. having fibre, also FIBERED.
FIBRESfibres n. Plural of fibre.
FIBRE n. a threadlike cell or filament, also FIBER.
FIBRILfibril n. A fine fibre or filament.
fibril n. (Biology) Any fine, filamentous structure in animals or plants.
FIBRIL n. a small fibre, also FIBRILLA.
FIBRINfibrin n. A white, albuminous, fibrous substance, formed in the coagulation of the blood.
fibrin n. An elastic, insoluble, whitish protein produced by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen and forming…
fibrin n. An albuminous body, resembling animal fibrin in composition, found in cereal grains and similar seeds;…
FIBROSFIBRO n. (tradename) a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement, also FIBROCEMENT, FIBROLITE.
FIBULAfibula n. An ancient kind of brooch used to hold clothing together, similar in function to the modern safety pin.
fibula n. (Anatomy) The smaller of the two bones in the lower leg.
FIBULA n. (Latin) a bone in the leg.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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