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There are 20 eight-letter words containing FOG

AFFOGATOaffogato n. A drink or dessert (especially ice-cream) topped with espresso and sometimes a caramel or chocolate sauce.
AFFOGATO n. (Italian) a dessert made by pouring espresso coffee over ice cream.
BEFOGGEDbefogged adj. Obscured with fog or smoke; murky.
befogged adj. (Nautical) Caught in fog.
befogged adj. Confused, muddled.
CACAFOGOcacafogo n. Alternative form of cacafuego.
CACAFOGO n. (Spanish) a spitfire, a blusterer, also CACAFUEGO.
DEFOGGEDdefogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of defog.
DEFOG v. to remove fog from e.g. spectacles.
DEFOGGERdefogger n. Something or someone that defogs.
DEFOGGER n. an agent used for defogging.
FOGASHESFOGASH n. (Hungarian) a fish, the pikeperch.
FOGBOUNDfogbound adj. Enveloped in fog to such an extent that movement is dangerous or impossible.
FOGBOUND adj. surrounded by fog.
FOGEYDOMfogeydom n. The state of being a fogey.
FOGEYDOM n. the world of fogies, also FOGYDOM.
FOGEYISHfogeyish adj. Characteristic of or resembling an old fogey: outdated or out of touch.
FOGEYISH adj. like a fogy, also FOGYISH.
FOGEYISMfogeyism n. Alternative form of fogyism.
FOGEYISM n. an outlook like a fogy, also FOGYISM.
FOGFRUITfogfruit n. Any of various plants of the genus Phyla in the verbena family Verbenaceae.
FOGFRUIT n. an American flowering plant.
FOGGAGESfoggages n. Plural of foggage.
FOGGAGE n. (Scots) a grass that grows after the hay is cut.
FOGGIESTfoggiest adj. Superlative form of foggy: most foggy.
foggiest adj. (Usually used in the negative) Slightest, faintest, least.
FOGGY adj. filled with fog.
FOGGINGSfoggings n. Plural of fogging.
FOGGING n. the act of obscuring e.g. a lens with fog.
FOGHORNSfoghorns n. Plural of foghorn.
fog-horns n. Plural of fog-horn.
fog␣horns n. Plural of fog horn.
FOGLIGHTfoglight n. Alternative form of fog light.
fog␣light n. (Automotive) One of a pair of lights, mounted at the front of a car, below the headlights, usually white…
FOGLIGHT n. a motor-vehicle light used in foggy conditions.
FOGYDOMSFOGYDOM n. the world of fogies, also FOGEYDOM.
FOGYISMSfogyisms n. Plural of fogyism.
FOGYISM n. an outlook like a fogy, also FOGEYISM.
MEGAFOGSMEGAFOG n. a fog signal with megaphones pointing in several directions.
PETTIFOGpettifog v. To quibble over trivial matters; nitpick.
pettifog v. To do a petty business as a lawyer, or carry out law business in a petty or tricky way.
PETTIFOG v. to quibble.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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