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There are 19 words containing GK

ANGKLUNGangklung n. A percussion instrument, originally from Indonesia, made of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame.
ANGKLUNG n. (Javanese) a musical instrument of South Asia, composed of bamboo tubes, also ANKLONG, ANKLUNG.
ANGKLUNGSangklungs n. Plural of angklung.
ANGKLUNG n. (Javanese) a musical instrument of South Asia, composed of bamboo tubes, also ANKLONG, ANKLUNG.
BANGKOKbangkok n. A kind of straw hat.
Bangkok prop.n. (Exonym) The capital city of Thailand.
Bangkok prop.n. (Metonymically) The government of Thailand.
BANGKOKSbangkoks n. Plural of bangkok.
BANGKOK n. a straw hat.
BOUSINGKENbousing-ken n. Alternative spelling of bousing ken.
bousing␣ken n. (Obsolete, UK, thieves’ cant) A pub; a public house; a tavern.
BOUSINGKEN n. (obsolete) in thieves' slang, a low drinking shop.
BOUSINGKENSbousing-kens n. Plural of bousing-ken.
bousing␣kens n. Plural of bousing ken.
BOUSINGKEN n. (obsolete) in thieves' slang, a low drinking shop.
GINGKOgingko n. (Dated) Alternative spelling of ginkgo.
GINGKO n. (Japanese) an ornamental tree, also GINKGO, JINGKO.
GINGKOESgingkoes n. Plural of gingko.
GINGKO n. (Japanese) an ornamental tree, also GINKGO, JINGKO.
GINGKOSgingkos n. Plural of gingko.
GINGKO n. (Japanese) an ornamental tree, also GINKGO, JINGKO.
JINGKOjingko n. Alternative spelling of gingko.
JINGKO n. (Japanese) a kind of tree, also GINGKO, GINKGO.
JINGKOESJINGKO n. (Japanese) a kind of tree, also GINGKO, GINKGO.
KINGKLIPkingklip n. A popular South African food fish; Genypterus capensis.
KINGKLIP n. (South African) any of several marine food fishes.
KINGKLIPSkingklips n. Plural of kingklip.
KINGKLIP n. (South African) any of several marine food fishes.
SONGKOKsongkok n. An Asian cap resembling a fez, worn mostly by male Muslims.
SONGKOK n. (Malay) an oval brimless hat.
SONGKOKSsongkoks n. Plural of songkok.
SONGKOK n. (Malay) an oval brimless hat.
THANGKAthangka n. A painted or embroidered linen banner, usually depicting Buddhist themes, originating in Tibet; a prayer flag.
THANGKA n. (Tibetan) a religious painting on a scroll.
THANGKASthangkas n. Plural of thangka.
THANGKA n. (Tibetan) a religious painting on a scroll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 362 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 83 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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