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There are 17 eight-letter words containing GAG

BAGGAGESbaggages n. Plural of baggage.
BAGGAGE n. luggage.
BURGAGESburgages n. Plural of burgage.
BURGAGE n. a kind of feudal tenure, tenure in socage for a yearly rent.
ENGAGERSengagers n. Plural of engager.
ENGAGER n. one who engages.
ENGAGINGengaging adj. That engages the attention; engrossing, interesting; enthralling.
engaging adj. Charming; attractive, especially of a manner or behaviour.
engaging v. Present participle of engage.
FOGGAGESfoggages n. Plural of foggage.
FOGGAGE n. (Scots) a grass that grows after the hay is cut.
GAGEABLEGAGEABLE adj. able to be gaged, also GAUGEABLE.
GAGEABLYGAGEABLE adv. able to be gaged, also GAUGEABLE.
GAGGLINGgaggling v. Present participle of gaggle.
gaggling n. The cackling sound of a goose.
GAGGLING n. making a cackling sound.
GAGSTERSgagsters n. Plural of gagster.
GAGSTER n. one who writes jokes.
LALLYGAGlallygag n. Horseplay, fooling around.
lallygag n. A layabout, one who lallygags.
lallygag v. (See lollygag.) To dawdle; to be lazy or idle; to avoid necessary work or effort.
LOLLYGAGlollygag v. (US) To dawdle; to be lazy or idle; to avoid necessary work or effort.
lollygag v. (US, dated, 19th-20th centuries) To fool around, especially sexually.
lollygag n. (US) Silliness, nonsense.
LUGGAGESluggages n. (Nonstandard, obsolete) plural of luggage.
LUGGAGE n. baggage of a traveller.
MISGAGEDmisgaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of misgage.
MISGAGE v. to gage wrongly, also MISGAUGE.
MISGAGESmisgages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misgage.
MISGAGE v. to gage wrongly, also MISGAUGE.
MORTGAGEmortgage n. (Law) A special form of secured loan where the purpose of the loan must be specified to the lender…
mortgage n. (Obsolete) State of being pledged.
mortgage v. (Transitive, law) To borrow against a property, to obtain a loan for another purpose by giving away…
REENGAGEreengage v. Alternative spelling of re-engage.
re-engage v. To engage again.
REENGAGE v. to engage again.
UNGAGGEDungagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of ungag.
ungagged adj. Not having been gagged.
UNGAG v. to remove a gag.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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