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There are 19 seven-letter words containing IBA

BIBASICbibasic adj. (Chemistry) Having two replaceable hydrogen atoms; dibasic.
BIBASIC adj. of acids, having two replaceable hydrogen atoms, also DIBASIC.
COPAIBAcopaiba n. Any of several South American trees of the genus Copaifera.
copaiba n. An oleoresin, extracted from such trees, used in varnishes, ointments and as a perfume fixative.
COPAIBA n. (Tupi) a transparent resin obtained from certain South American trees, also COPAIVA.
DIBASICdibasic adj. (Chemistry) (of an acid) containing two replaceable hydrogen atoms.
dibasic adj. (Chemistry) (of a salt) having two atoms of a univalent metal.
DIBASIC adj. of acids, having two replaceable hydrogen atoms.
HIBACHIhibachi n. A portable brazier, powered by charcoal, used for cooking.
hibachi n. (North America) A cooking method and performance art in which the chef grills pieces of food on a hot…
hibachi n. (North America) The griddle used in such cuisine; teppan.
LIBATEDlibated v. Simple past tense and past participle of libate.
LIBATE v. to pour in honour to.
LIBATESlibates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of libate.
LIBATE v. to pour in honour to.
MINIBARminibar n. A small refrigerator in a hotel room, containing drinks and snacks that the guest may choose to purchase…
MINIBAR n. a small fridge as in a hotel room.
RIBALDSribalds n. Plural of ribald.
RIBALD n. (obsolete) a menial of the lowest grade; a loose, low character, also RIBAUD.
RIBANDSribands n. Plural of riband.
RIBAND n. a ribbon, also RIBBAND.
RIBAUDSribauds n. Plural of ribaud.
RIBAUD n. (Spenser) a menial of the lowest grade; a loose, low character, also RIBALD.
SAHIBAHsahibah n. (India, archaic) A lady; a mistress; a female superior (used as a term of respect).
SAHIBAH n. (Hindi) a lady sahib, also SAHIBA.
SAHIBASsahibas n. Plural of sahiba.
SAHIBA n. (Hindi) a lady sahib, also SAHIBAH.
SCRIBALscribal adj. Relating to scribes and their work.
SCRIBAL adj. pertaining to a public clerk or secretary.
SHIBAHSshibahs n. Plural of shibah.
SHIBAH n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a period of seven days' mourning observed after a family member's funeral, also SHIVA, SHIVAH.
TRIBADEtribade n. A woman who engages in sexual activity with another woman; a lesbian.
TRIBADE n. (French) a female homosexual; a lesbian.
TRIBADYtribady n. (Uncountable) Lesbianism; tribadism.
tribady n. (Countable) A lesbian.
TRIBADY n. lesbianism, also TRIBADISM.
TRIBALStribals n. Plural of tribal.
TRIBAL n. a member of an aboriginal tribe of India.
ZARIBASzaribas n. Plural of zariba.
ZARIBA n. (Arabic) an improvised stockade, esp. one made of thorn bushes, etc., also ZAREBA, ZAREEBA, ZEREBA, ZERIBA.
ZERIBASzeribas n. Plural of zeriba.
ZERIBA n. (Arabic) an improvised stockade, esp. one made of thorn bushes, etc., also ZAREBA, ZAREEBA, ZARIBA, ZEREBA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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